How to Buy a Painting
All the paintings in the Meekins and Grange exhibits are for sale in one of three ways:
1. Most of the paintings on exhibit at Meekins Library are included in a silent auction that runs from April 3 to April 27. For silent auction instructions, click here.
2. Eight of the paintings at Meekins (marked with blue dots) are reserved for a live auction that will be conducted by auctioneer George Lewis during the closing reception on Friday, April 27. For more information, click here.
3. The paintings on exhibit at the Grange during the weekend of April 28-29 will be available for purchase during the exhibit hours. For more information, click here.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to buy an original Greta Carey painting for your home or business, and support the Williamsburg Libraries, Grange, and Historical Society at the same time!